Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Morning Workouts...They're Not For Everyone.

I didn't work out last night. No idea why. I was dressed and ready to go, but I guess I was busy on the blog or something. So I told myself, "Self, Im going to I workout in the morning."

...anyone who knows me knows I am not a morning person. But, by golly, I was going to pull it off.

Fast forward 6 hours to about 6:30 this morning. I heard my alarm. Sat up. And then thought to myself, "Self, you can get a few minutes more of sleep." Then I realized I was short-changing myself.

Long story short: I did manage 30 minutes on the elliptical and honestly feel great and pretty awake. The question is, can I do it again tomorrow?

Have a good day everyone!


Ava said...

how come this blogging thing is so easy to everyone? i'm just retarded. Taylor, can you help me with my blog either tonight or Friday night? Granted, everyone else at the Friday the 13th movie night may not be as grateful as I am to have my blog fixed. yeah.... my mind went blank.
so there.

DietCokeStraightUp said...

I can not believe that you got up to work out in the morning!?!?? That is nuts!!! But you rock for doing that! Where are you working out??